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English Outdoor Preschools


Vyšehrad Monsters and Libeň Monsters are outdoor preschool clubs, managed by a non-profit association without support of the Ministry of Educaion. The all-day program is in English and follows the Framework Education Programme for Preschool Education, thus fully complying with general requirements for subsequent enrollment at any primary school. However, they are a unique alternatives to other preschools with own concept based on four main principles:

"OUTDOOR" - maximum stay outdoors no matter the weather

"URBAN" - the city as a natural environment for kids living in Prague

"ENGLISH" - English program with internation team of teachers

"COMMUNITY" - individual approach with a small heterogenous group

Outdoor Monsters


In many respects, we follow the idea of forest preschools that have become a popular alternative to the traditional preschool system. They emphasize outdoor education, learning outside of typical classrooms and in more exterior environment (for futher information go to: Learning outdoors has a positive effect on child's overall development, creative thinking, forming relationships with nature and better physical endurance. For this purpose, we decided to use several parks, which are quite well-known spots for Prague children. Nevertheless, the club has its own indoor facilities, where children meet in the morning and reunite with their parents in the afternoon and which is their resting place/shelter in case of exceptionally bad weather. For this purpose, we have own small house in the backyard of a residential building. Besides spending time in neighbourhood parks, we also regularly go for trips into the wilder nature. The environmental education is an integral part of the program and is also reflected in the everyday management of the club with a minimum impact on the environment.

Urban Monsters


It is very natural for Prague children to move around in a city environment while being outdoors. Therefore, we believe that it is as important to learn in and from nature as to recognize the patterns of city living. Thus our programme includes walks around the city, discussions about its architecture, technical excursions to various monuments, using public transport, visiting theatres/galeries/libraries. In this concern, our activities will depend on what children are specifically interested in in their neighborhood and what they wish to learn about it.

English Monsters


Our all-day English programe familiarizes children with this foreign language in a playful and natural way. Due to years of experience and the knowledge of our teachers, we know that purely English environment greatly facilitates learning and adopting the new language. It is extremely easy for children in a preschool age to adapt to foreign languages and such capability brings them tremendous benefits for their future lives. The possibility and also the need to speak English is highlighted by the international team of teachers. Although the programme is in English, there is also a Czech teacher with excellent English skills present to help children in everyday challenging situations.

Community Monsters

The club is purposely focused on a small group of eighteen children who are accompanied by our three teachers. The group is mixed in age. Kids from 2 to 6 years old are being educated together regardless of their different abilities and learning assumptions, which are perceived by us as an opportunity for mutual enrichment, rather than as a limitation.

There is an emphasis on an individual approach to each child to create relationships of mutual trust and inspiration between each child and our teachers. The communication with parents is also important for us in order to find a mutual understanding of what is best for their children. 

Daily Schedule​


8:00 - 9:00        Arrival, free play indoors

9:00 - 12:00      Outdoor activities, snack

12:00 - 12:30    Lunch

12:30 - 14:00    Rest time, sleep or quiet activities indoors

14:00 - 16:30    Afternoon activities including preschool education and snack

15:00 - 15:30    Picking-up Baby Monsters (up to 3 years)

16:30 - 17:00    Picking-up Monsters

We go outdoors every day, in any weather, both in the morning and in the afternoon. We regularly go for longer trips too.In the event of exceptionally unfavorable conditions, the program may be modified.

​The activities include physical activities, different sports, yoga for kids, drawing, painting, modeling, cutting out, glueing and all types of creating, learning poems and rhymes, singing songs, dancing...​ We do not separate this activities is special "courses", but we naturally integrate those into everyday program and let them aacompany the actual themes that we are learning about at the same time.

We go for 4-days Winter Camp with skiing at Jílové u Prahy and 4-days Spring Camp near Křivoklát.


Full-day attendance 8:00 - 17:00 (kids under 3 years  8:00 - 15:30)

5 days - 12 800 CZK / month

4 days - 11 800 CZK / month

3 days - 10 800 CZK / month

Half-day attendance 8:00 - 12:30 (only for kids under 3 years)

5 days - 11 800 CZK / month

4 days - 10 800 CZK / month

3 days - 9 800 CZK / month

The school fee is to be paid monthly, from September til June.

During summer, the preschool operates on the basis of week-long day camps for kids from 3 years old.

Meals (snack-lunch-snack) are paid separately. The price is 120 CZK per day, or 90 CZK per half-day. In case of cancelling attendance in time, the meals are not charged for relevant days. Lunches are delivered by Ekolandia, prepared specially for preschool children from fresh ingredients supplied by local farmers, without any artificial flavors and excessive ammount of salt. We also offer meals for vegetarians and allergy sufferers.


For siblings, we offer a discount of 10 %.


The preschool club is managed by a non-profit association and all its revenue is spent solely on the club. The club is not included in the register of schools and school facilities and does not receive any contributions from the state budget.​


​To submit your child for attendance, fill in the application form and sent it to Applications for enrollment in the following school year can be sent any time, we will contact parents individually once we can offer the place.

After confirmation of enrollment for attendance, there will be a more detailed contract signed.

​We also recommend to become acquainted with the Code of Operation

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